Basic Data
Name: Lacerta
Star: Popo
Name of dominant species: Zogord
Distance from Earth: 35,000 ly
Distance from star (Popo): 108.2 million km
Year: 7999 (since “The Great Explosion”; Zogord calendar) 1476 (since it first was discovered)
Average day: 3.83 earth days
Average week: 26.81 earth days
Average month: 114.9 earth days
Average year: 1460 earth days
Size: it has a radius of 1,737 km (27% the size of earth)
Gravity: 3g
National Anthem: “Dread the Zogords”
Official religion: Suhuliaism
Official currency: Nioc (it is worth 45 dollars)
Official Language: Multese
Population: 2.3 billion Zogords
Average life span of a Zogord: 50-60 Lacertan years (191.5 - 229.8 human years)
Distinctions: Its atmosphere is extremely poisonous to humans and would kill one instantly. It primarily made up of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and methane. It’s very rich in oil and coal. It also stores various deposits of uranium. It has various volcanoes, and its core is made out magma. Before “The Great Explosion”, (an event which is explained in the “Origins” section) it was used as a resource station for other planets. Now, after “The Great Explosion”, it is inhabited only by the Zogords. There are no seas and the whole area is land. In the planet, all sources of energy are renewable due to the nature of the planet. In Lacerta, oil nor coal nor uranium will ever cease to exist. Most of the land is volcanic rock, but there are some soil fields and few trees (the trees are called “Num trees”). The sun shines for half a day and there is night for the other half; there is no moon.