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The Zogords don’t know how they came to be. They still haven’t discovered that they are the result of mutation and wastes. There are different religions, but all of them share a common trait. This trait is that everything came to existence after “The Great Explosion”. At the beginning of their existence, the Zogords believed in a derived way of Christianity due to them finding the wastes that an alien church had thrown at their planet. In those wastes they found ancient scrolls, books, and pieces of information that talked about Christianity and God. Consequentially, the Zogords built multiple missionaries around the planet and practiced the religion for over several centuries. They believed “The Great Explosion” was created by God and that they are his children.  Several other religious wastes where found such as Buddhist and Muslim scrolls, but those religious never became as popular as Christianity. Even though Christianity is a peaceful religion, the Zogords kept their strong temper. Around 5016 ATGE (After The Great Explosion), a new religion came to be called “Polism” due to the questioning of the validity of Christianity. This religion challenged Christianity ideas, and became popular due to the hard times that the planet was passing through. Polist believe that there wasn’t one god, but multiple gods BTGE (Before The Great Explosion). They believe that these gods formed a civilization and that during the end of their civilization there was a big war which ened up causing “The Great Explosion”. These gods where similar to normal human beings, but they could create life and where giants. Polist became the second most powerful religion after Chrisitanity, and the Christian church had to accept it as another religion. In 5101, during the peak of Polism, there wahere 60 % Christian and 39% Polists and 1% other. Finally, the last religion, which is the current and official religion, is Suhuliaism. This religion came to be in 7979 by the politician Bragaran Raishucluck. He said that he was a descendant from the true gods and that he was the most powerful creature. He managed to convince people due to two big reasons. First, most Zogords had lost hope due to a recent war. Second, the Christian Church had been involved in a corruption scandal. For a lot of time it was a minor religion (about a 11% popularity compared to the 45% Christianity, 43% Polism, and 1% others). It became the official religion of Lacerta after Bragaran Raishucluck became president (later dictator) and forced it into each Zogords.

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