The Zogords are a very technological and intelligent species of aliens. Since the beginning of their lifetime the Zogords have used technology in order to make their lives simpler. There are three things that heavily influenced Zogord technology. First, it was the fact that oil, coal, and uranium where and still are abundant in the planet. This helped with the use of electricity and the development of materials and energy. Second, it was the books and scrolls found in the wastes. Inside the wastes, there where various books of different planets that talked about different subjects. Some of them talked about religion others about politics, and others where just simply novels or guides to help in construction. The surplus of books helped the Zogords advance technologically and build things ahead of their era. The third thing was the wastes itself. Inside the wastes there was a lot of metal, wood, sand, and other building materials which helped the Zogords build civilizations and metropolises. As already mentioned, they have altered versions of human and alien technology. Apart from that they have their own technology that they have developed by themselves. Due to the fact that oil is essential for their living and for their machines, all throughout the planet they have a system of underground pipes that go to each city, town, house, and factory to supply oil wither for beverage or for fuel. Strangely, the Zogords have never found a way to safely leave from their planet. Several tries have been made, but all of them have been unsuccessful. It is said that in 7990 ATGE the scientist Jares Alipo found the way to travel out into space in a safe way. The problem is that dictator Bragaran Raishucluck didn’t like the idea of going out to space and meeting new species as it could eventually challenge his status of dictator and his conservative ideals. He ordered the execution of Jares Alipo and the destruction of all his works. Recently, there has been the rumor that a piece of Jares Alipo’s work which talks about space travel can be found hidden under the rocks of the Cave of Aulterion. Bragaran Raishucluck denies those claims, but people are still curious.